Embodied/Embodying Performer Training: Practices and Practicalities

TaPRA Performer Training Working Group Interim Event

24th April 2019, University of South Wales, Cardiff Campus, The ATRiuM

Call deadline: March 15th

Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Kaite O’Reilly

Confirmed invited contributors: Prof Phillip Zarrilli and Sara Beer

Wine Reception and response to the day from Working Group Conveners, Kate Craddock, Jane Turner, and James McLaughlin

In the preface of Atypcial Plays for Atypical Actors by Kaite O’Reilly, John E. McGrath highlights how O’Reilly ‘doesn’t imagine something that the actor fulfils – the writer opens a world of possibilities that the actor enters with their own complex, resistant, bodies and selves’. (2017)

Considering the above proposition, the TaPRA Performer Training Working Group invites 15 minute practice-based responses, provocations, lecture-demonstrations and papers, exploring and reflecting on Embodied/Embodying Performer Training: Practices and Practicalities.

For full details please go to the TaPRA website: http://tapra.org/tapra-events/embodiedembodying-performer-training-practices-and-practicalities-2/