Calling for a Book Reviews Editor and an Editorial Assistant for the TDPT Journal

Please find below calls for two opportunities to join the Theatre Dance and Performance Training Journal team. We are looking for a new Books Reviews Editor as well as a new Editorial Assistant(s).

Call for Book Reviews Editor
Journal of Theatre, Dance and Performance Training (TDPT), Routledge

The co-editors of the international journal, Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, Professor Jonathan Pitches (University of Leeds) and Dr Libby Worth (Royal Holloway, University of London) and incoming co-editors Dr Sarah Weston (University of Manchester) and Dr James McLaughlin (University of Greenwich) are seeking to recruit a new Book Reviews editor, to fill the shoes of Professor Chris Hay who is stepping away from the role after 5 years. Now in its 15th year, the journal is quarterly and attracts contributions from scholars and practitioners across the globe. It also has a very active blog site, hosting multi-media content.

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The Chekhov Collective UK Anniversary

                               Venue | Goldsmiths, Studio RHB 154

                               Time   | 6.00-8.00pm at Goldsmiths (ticket booking)

                                             8.00-11.00pm New Cross House Pub

                                             316 New Cross Rd, London SE14 6AF

                                             (Open to any participants)

                              Tickets | Book a free ticket here

                              Date | Saturday 22 June 2024

You are warmly invited to join us as we celebrate a decade of work by the Chekhov Collective Practice Research Centre! This event will be a chance to gather, exchange reflections and experiences, and for us to thank the wonderful participants who have joined us over the years, and practitioners who have led TCC events.  The celebration will start at Goldsmiths, and then move to New Cross House pub from 8.00pm.  

We are looking back over a rich and joyful time, with over 90 public events held between 2013 and 2023. These have spanned symposiums, research-led workshops, knowledge exchange events, panel conversations, practice presentations, papers and lectures, books, Q&A sessions, professional mentoring support, and bespoke sessions for participant groups beyond the theatre.

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